Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 8- Reflect

I had at least three weeks to reflect about what my group and I have done in the past few weeks. All I can say, is that we are doing great and that we are staying on task. Last month, we did a presentation about what we have done so far. And it was very fascinating how the different groups are doing great. I saw a presentation about hot dogs or legs; they take a picture of a hot dog or a leg, and people will figure it out if its a hot dog or a leg. I also saw a presentation about my classmate sharing her experiences about taking care of the old people in a nursing home. This week's weekly topic is Donuts. I picked donuts because i believe that it is the best invention in the world! Donuts are soft, tasty, and delicious. Next week, our weekly topic is going to be about snails! And I am really excited about how they will look like up close.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week 7- Coins

Last week's weekly topic was plants. This week, our topic is coins. This time, coins were not hard to find. They are everywhere at my house! I was really looking forward to take pictures using the lens, unfortunately, my partner Divina has the lens. Moreover, my teacher assigned  our class a small project. We will have to make a presentation about what we have done so far. I believe that this is a great activity, because my teacher does not know if all of us are on task. He also told us to change a setting to our blog, so that it would save him and other people time to comment on other people's blog. Back to What I was saying! Coins are something that people hate having in their wallets. I agree, but we also have to think that if there's no coins, there are no paper bill. The picture below are the coins that I keep in a jar. And I cant believe how many coins I have from different places around the world! And I cant wait to look at each one of them through my macro lens.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 6- Plants

Last week's weekly topic was flower. This week's weekly topic is plants. It is my partners turn, Divina to take three best pictures of plants. I believe that plants are helpful to every living things because it helps us to breathe in fresh air, while we animals help then by exhaling carbon dioxide. Bamboo is one of my favorite plants because it is the fastest-growing woody plant on Earth. Sensitive or sleepy plant is also one of my favorites because leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, to protect them from predators, re-opening minutes later. That is why we chose plants for our weekly writing topic. Moreover, taking a picture of a plant should be really easy, unlike diamonds and insects that we did in the past few weeks. Furthermore, my teacher assigned us to do a brief presentation about our project. Later on, we will all present it in class, and I think that this is a good activity, because we have a chance to share and get to know our classmate's project and what they have done so far.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 5- Diamonds & Flowers

Our weekly topic last week was diamonds. I have to admit that taking a picture of a diamond was kind of hard, because it was shining through the camera. This week, it was tough for me to come up with a weekly topic. So I asked my partner, Divina to come up with our weekly topic. Our topic for this week is flower, and it is my turn to take pictures using the lens. In the past few days, I have been looking everywhere for small flowers, so that I can take a picture of the whole thing. Luckily, I have found two. Also my teacher made us fill out a form about our 20% project, and in addition, we will also get points just for filling it out! Moreover, we have been getting more followers and likes on our Instagram page. The only hard part for me is that i have to come up with a caption the goes well or somewhat with the picture. Please, if you are reading this, follow us on Instagram @_macroworld. We dont bite, we only bark! Arf! Arf!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 4: Social network

This week, I have been very busy fixing and organizing our instagram page. Each week, we will have a weekly topic, and we will post at least three pictures. For me, it was very hard to think of deep quotes to put as a caption, so that we get people's attention. The other challenges are that it was very hard and it takes time to gain likes and followers because I think not everybody is interested in macro pictures. Fortunately, many photographers followed us and likes our pictures. On the other hand, thinking of a username took us very long to figure out, because we had to think of something unique, and very easy to remember.  Then we came up with the username "_macroworld". My partners and I agreed that the pictures we post on instagram are 100% ours! That means we wont steal pictures from other users or get it off the internet. Below is a preview of our instagram page; Our username is _macroworld, so please do not hesitate to follow us. We follow back! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week 3- The Strugle

Last week, my partner, Gino had the lens. Unfortunately, he did not know that there are suppose to be three lenses, so he was taking pictures with a wrong lens. When he gave the lenses to me a week after, he told me that there were only two lenses. Then I explained to him that he has to unscrew the lens, so that he can take macro pictures. When I decided to show him how to unscrew it, that's when the big problem came. The lenses wont unscrew with each other! During the day all that I was doing was trying to unscrew the lens. When i got home, I immediately found a way to unscrew it. I used two pliers, however, i was so frightened that if I do it too hard, the lenses will brake and we have to buy a new one; which takes a long time. Luckily, the lenses survived and we are now back on track. Below is a picture of the lenses that we are using. The picture on the right is a fish eye lens, while the picture on the left is a macro lens. if you screw the middle lens to the left lens, you can take wide angle pictures.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 2- Taking Pictures

In week two, my teacher assigned us to make a blog in order for us to share what we are doing every week. Our weekly topic for week one is about eyes. My partner, Divina was in charge of taking pictures of eyes, and she was also responsible to post the pictures she took on Instagram for people to see. She stated that taking pictures of other people's eyes was very fun. She enjoyed looking at the different shapes, colors, and textures of the eyes. The weekly topic for this week is about insects. In the past few days, I was able to find insects, however it was very difficult for me to take good shots. The insects were always moving and some of them flew away! Finally, I decided to capture them and put them in a clear container.  Problem solved! These are my partner's link to their blogs. Please feel free to look at them: (Gino Delatorre) (Divina Bartolome). Below is a spider i put in a class container, so that i can take a good shot. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 1- Planning

My partners and I's project will be taking pictures using a macro lens. Planning our project was somewhat challenging. Maybe because this is the first project that we will be working on for a long time. What i will be looking forward to this project is of course learning the responsibility and also learning to communicate better with my groups. What we did this week one is that we planned our timeline. For example what are we going to this week? Or what will we be doing next month? This week had also been a challenge for me because my teacher made us turn in our work electronically! I believe that all of the teachers should be doing this. Teachers should let their students turn in work online rather than wasting paper and killing more trees! The picture below is a cockroach! Yes, a cockroach. Disgusting right? I took this photo with an IPhone using a macro lens, and did you know that cockroaches are clean? Yes, you read it right. Cockroaches are like cats, they clean themselves all the time. The cockroach on this picture is cleaning its antenna. So if you thought they were dirty, you are definitely wrong.