Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 8- Reflect

I had at least three weeks to reflect about what my group and I have done in the past few weeks. All I can say, is that we are doing great and that we are staying on task. Last month, we did a presentation about what we have done so far. And it was very fascinating how the different groups are doing great. I saw a presentation about hot dogs or legs; they take a picture of a hot dog or a leg, and people will figure it out if its a hot dog or a leg. I also saw a presentation about my classmate sharing her experiences about taking care of the old people in a nursing home. This week's weekly topic is Donuts. I picked donuts because i believe that it is the best invention in the world! Donuts are soft, tasty, and delicious. Next week, our weekly topic is going to be about snails! And I am really excited about how they will look like up close.