Friday, May 23, 2014

Week 12- Presentation in progress

This week, we have been working on our presentation. My two partners are working on the presentation, and i am working on the slideshow video. I never thought that making the video was going to be a challenge. Since all our pictures are squares which is made for instagram, i had to find a way to show the pictures in a full view. i dont know how to explain it, but you will see the picture on the bottom. Finally, my teacher told the class our dates for our presentation. Ours is on Friday. I think that's a good date so we have at least one more month to work on it. Moreover, i have to look for a background music for the video. My partner told me that I have to find a music that is emotional. Moreover, I really hope that we will have time to get together and practice for our presentation.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week 11-Making the presentation

Last week, we have planned our presentation. This week I have been working on our presentation. Also, I have been looking for some apps that could help make make the video we will include in our presentation. Time passed by so fast, I didnt know we are going to present next week! I just hope that we finish making the presentation before it due. I think that we will do great on this presentation. I took this video on a spuder last week and I think that my classmates will like it when we present. My teacher said that we have to practice presenting without looking at the screen. Now that can be a challenge, but I think we will do good on that also. Anyways, I don't know what else to say so I will just ask you to follow our Instagram account and our Vine account @_macroworld. Even though the 20% project is ending soon, I still plan to continue to take and post them on our accounts, especially on Instagram.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 10- Plan Plan Plan

Time is running out! Theres is only about three weeks until we present our 20% project. Yesterday May 8, 2014, my partners and I talked about how our presentation is going to be. At first, we were all like, "I don't know." Deciding what we were going to do was tough. So we decided to throw out ideas and read them all off if they were a good one. Our plan is that we are going to make a presentation in Google Docs. We are going to talk about what we did and what we learned. Also, we are going to make a short slideshow to show at the end. Also, we decided to take as many pictures of peoples eyes as we can; I dont know what the point is, but i think it's going to be cool! I believe that we will be successful in this project, because this project is well planned. Hopefully we will present like a boss!